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Happily Natural Day

It was our first time to attend the Happily Natural Hair Day in Richmond Virginia last weekend. This annual event centered around Afrikan hair gains popularity because of the positive way it promotes Black culture. One weekend long visitors can enjoy some of the wonderful contributions of the Afrikan Diaspora to this world. The program full of performing artists, workshops as well as an Afrikan Market place, doesn’t only attract people from the city of love but also visitors from out of state.


Newmoe and I from New York and Beauty~Life~Love from Maryland had the wonderful opportunity to represent Nappturality, one of the big sponsors of the Happily Natural Day. Not only was it an honor to represent and promote this forum of more than 50.000 members connected by their nappy roots. It was an excellent opportunity to meet Nappturality Members from everywhere in real life. This also gave me a change to promote my book Going Natural and introduce the new Going Natural I-Magazine.

The stage. Newmoe reading from the Nappturality yearbook

The Happily Natural Natural Day started a little later than planned and it was clear why. After four years the event had outgrown the neat cute but small mosque it is usually held at. Vendors came all the way from New York and Washington to be part of this experience but thanks to the initiator Brother Manifest and his volunteers they all found a spot to expose their ware. After all boots were set up Brother Manifest opened the venue by welcoming everyone. Once the program got started rappers, singers, spoken word artists and drummers transformed the stage in an ongoing show to entertain visitors. Guests interested in workshops could visit the lower floor where there was another stage and vendors as well.


NP Members we met


DSC_0087.jpgIt was absolutely great to actually meet np-members who were able to spot us in the midst of all activity. Hearing how np has changed their perception on natural hair and pulled them through some difficult stages to accept their nappiness made our Natural Day very, very Happily. Meeting some of the members I knew only by screen name was at least as exiting. shuger rocs locs whom I only on the board, looked fabulous in her jeans skirt and RaShAb had a very nice headwrap.
Newmoe made me real proud by taking the stage to introduce Going Natural and Nappturality. I was holding my breath while she was reading “Naturality” from ladyrika from the Nappturality yearbook. She did it so well that the audience was listening to the poem in silence and gave her a big applause after she was done. Very well done lady Mo, very well done.
After we had a good meal from the sisters who sold nice and healthy food outdoors, the day passed by quite quickly and soon it was time for us to pack.

A couple of old friends ..

By the flow of ongoing happy friendly visitors one could say that the 4th Happily Natural Day was a success. I am sure it motivates the organization to continue to host the event next year. Hopefully they find bigger place and we can make it again so we can meet more nappturalities at the HND’s five year anniversary.


masoesa, brother Manifest and newmoe

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